5 rue Conté, 75003 Paris - France - Tel. +33.1.42715780

DBA in Innovation and Creativity

Online in English

- Year-by-Year Breakdown - Course Description

The DBA  at Horizons University is a research doctorate, where students make a contribution to both theory and practice, with a focus on the application of research, to real life business problems. The Horizons University DBA is designed to help students reach their objectives of becoming experts in a given business field, and becoming competitive employees in the global marketplace. Students take business courses alongside their independent research in the area they want to specialize in.



Duration 3 years
Credit Value 180 ECTS
Admission Requirements Bachelor’s degree in Business or equivalent; Master’s degree in Business or equivalent; 3+ years working experience - Options available for those without business-focused degrees or work experience
Languages English (online)
Study Options Online
Tuition 3450€ yearly
Registration Fee 60€ yearly
Technology Fee 80€ yearly


The structure of a typical course will require students to read materials supplied by the university, study related materials, and perform personal research on selected topics. Confirmation of learning may be determined via papers, projects, quizzes or exams.

Career Prospects
The DBA in Innovation and Creativity prepares students for leadership positions in global organizations, for careers as independent consultants, and skilled researchers in business-oriented activities.

What our doctorate students say about the Horizons University DBA program

“Very challenging and inspiring”

“Interactive and practical”

“This program will help me in my long term plan of setting up my own
consultancy, specialised in the field of Supply Chain Management”

“I chose this program because it will enhance my career development in
International Business, General Management, and Entrepreneurship”

“I chose this program because I aim to share my knowledge, and to teach at a high level”

“I chose the program because of its flexibility, and because it gives me
the opportunity to do research in my area of interest”

The DBA program is accredited by  ECBE 

Year-by-Year Breakdown


Year 1
DBA651 - 10 ECTS  Theories of Innovation
DBA673 - 10 ECTS  Business Research Methods
DBA674 - 10 ECTS  Quantitative and Qualitative Methods
DBA792 - 10 ECTS Dissertation Proposal

Year 2
DBA661 - 10 ECTS Multicultural Management
DBA653 - 10 ECTS Creativity Leadership
DBA802 - 40 ECTS Dissertation Writing
DBA782 - 20 ECTS Journal Writing
Year 3
DBA654 - 10 ECTS

Creativity in International Processes

DBA655 - 10 ECTS Diversity and Inclusion
DBA810 - 40 ECTS Dissertation Writing and Defense



DBA651 - Theories of Innovation

(10ECTS/4US credits)

 Several theories of innovation are surveyed to understand what their contribution to research and applications in various industries are. Students explore cases that are of interest to them and how they contribute to varios fields. .

DBA673: Business Research Methods                                             

(10ECTS/4US credits)

This course focuses on the development of research skills and the design of research used for business.  Students will be introduced to various research approaches and learn what strategies, methods, and techniques are in use.  Students will be expected to design a business research proposal, formulate basic and secondary research questions, develop a strategy for data collection, develop a literature review, create a model of the expected results or outcomes and finally to formulate ways to operationalize their study with stakeholder involvement.


DBA674 -  Quantitative and Qualitative Methods

(10ECTS/4US credits)

An introduction to a range of quantitative and qualitative data collection and methods of data analysis. Students will learn about and be able to distinguish between quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research.   Qualitative methods include including Action Research,  Appreciative Inquiry,  Focus Groups, Interviews and Narrative Data Analysis. Quantitative methods include Descriptive Research Designs, Experimental and Ex Post Facto Designs, and Descriptive  Statistics.

DBA653 Creativity and Leadership

(10ECTS/4US credits)

This course analyzes the impact of a succesfull leadership in the applications of creative processes.

DBA792 - Dissertation Proposal

(10ECTS/4US credits)

This course focuses on the development of the Dissertation Proposal under the supervision of a Doctoral Faculty member. During the course students will be guided through the completion of the Dissertation Proposal, and by the end of it will have a Research Proposal that is to be submitted to Horizons University.

DBA661 - Multicultural Management

(10ECTS/4US credits)

This course seeks to provide students with an understanding of effective cross-cultural management and the challenges that are likely to be faced while working internationally. The course focuses on international organizational behavior and human resource issues and practices in transnational organizations.

DBA802 - Dissertation Writing

(40ECTS/16US credits)

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  1. Formulate a thesis topic
  2. Evaluate resources to assist in developing thesis proposal
  3. Write a proposal for a thesis/dissertation

DBA782 - Journal Writing. 

(20ECTS/8US credits)

This course facilitates the student’s ability to write, review, edit, and format an original paper to meet the publication standards of an academic journal.  When completed, the course results in a published article in Horizons University Business Journal.

DBA654 - Creativity in International processes

(10ECTS/4US credits)

This course analyzes the applications of creative processes in the interantional contexts applied to any industry.

DBA655 -Diversity and Inclusion

(10ECTS/4US credits)

This course explores the most recent research and applications in the fields of diversity in the workplace and inclusion of all types of populations to build effective teams and sustainable corporations.

DBA810 - Dissertation Writing up and Defense

(40ECTS/16US credits)

After completing this course, students will have successfully completed and defended  their dissertation.


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